12 Easter Photoshoot Ideas


Spring has almost sprung, which means Easter is just around the corner. Whether you are preparing to take some adorable family lifestyle photographs, or if you are taking on an Easter-themed Shutterstock Custom assignment, we’re outlining a few prop, backdrop and environment ideas that you need to know so you can capture an Easter shoot perfectly. From colorful egg DIYs to backdrops to create, here are 10 Easter ideas for your next photoshoot. 


When you think of Easter photo settings, chances are images of beautiful wildflowers and fields of green are some of the first thoughts that pop into your mind. These are fantastic starting points for capturing a perfect Easter theme. Here are a few more that we’d love to share.


A playdate in the backyard, with the sun streaming through the fence is a great start to an Easter shoot. Ensure that the backyard has been cleaned and trimmed, and is ready for those Easter vibes before you start your shoot.


Similarly, a porch is a great place to photograph an Easter or spring mood. Whether you have your models sitting on the edge of the porch, or if you’re lucky- a cute porch swing available to you- a porch can give you endless ideas for unique spring poses. 


Flower Fields

Wildflowers galore, these photographs are some of our favorite. Whether you are sending your models off on an Easter egg hunt or taking some product photographs in the middle of a field of flowers- flowers scream spring and we can’t get enough of them. 


Botanical Gardens

Don’t have access to fields of wildflowers? Try to find your local botanical garden for some floral inspiration. However, make sure you have permission to shoot in the shop before you confirm! These are also great places to pick up floral props for your photoshoots.


Spice up your Easter prop game with these fun ideas for your next photoshoot. From colorful eggs to unique backdrops, here are a few easy ways you can up your Easter photographs and impress clients with your creativity.



Real or fake, flowers are a fantastic way to integrate a bit of spring and Easter fun into your photographs. If you’re shooting in an interior, consider a carefully placed vase of flowers to add some color to your frame. If you’re shooting lifestyle outdoors, play with flowers as a prop to your model to hold. 


Easter Eggs

Spark some inspiration in your photographs with trendy colored Easter eggs. If your brief theme is simple, consider multi-colored natural eggs like these ones. If you’re able to add a bit of personality to your eggs, check out Brit + Co’s DIY Easter Egg list for some inspiration.


Balloons in spring pastel colors are a great prop idea, whether tied up in a portion of your frame or held for a more lifestyle-esque shoot. 



A fun family day spent in the park is a fantastic  idea for a lifestyle shoot, so consider a picnic basket filled with all sorts of Easter delights for your next spring photoshoot. From carrots to cake (or carrot cake), eggs, and other picnic delights- this is a great way to introduce spring to your photographs. 



On a note of carrots, picking some carrots from the garden is another great way to bring spring to your photographs. Whether you’re placing the carrots in a basket or carrying them back from being freshly picked- fresh garden vegetables are great props for Easter. 


Creating your own DIY Backdrop is a really easy way to integrate a theme into your photo shoot. Here are a few of our favorites from around the web.

Screen Shot 2018-02-13 at 12.54.03 PM.png

Paper Chains

A paper chain backdrop is a perfect way to integrate specific colors into your themed photoshoot, and we love the idea of pretty pastel colors for Easter. Check out this DIY for inspiration.
Photo: Bespoke Bride


Fabric Garland

This is a perfect way to get rid of any excess crafting fabric you have around, or to pop by your local fabric shop and see if they have any excess material hanging around. Not only does this backdrop bring texture to your photographs, it looks great and is inexpensive to create. Check out this blog post for inspiration.
Photo: Project Nursery

Easter Egg Backdrop

Backdrops are there to make eye-catching statements to your photographs, and we love this DIY Easter egg backdrop by Ruffled. With less than 8 items needed to create, here’s a simple backdrop to create for your next shoot.
Photo: Ruffled

We hope these ideas help spur some inspiration for your next Easter or spring photoshoot. Have any tips or tricks you want to share with the community? Comment them below! We can’t wait to see what you create for Shutterstock Custom clients.

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